
Have you been working in e-marketing through Facebook or by building your online store, of course, one of the basic things, if not the most important, is customers. Customers always love whether they are going to make a purchase or they are potential customers to feel that they are important to you and how they feel. Yes... By directly replying to them, and of course, in most cases, you must maintain a quick response to them, and how that is. Of course, I have thought of it as a “chat bot” for automatic response, which most of you need in the speed of response and to meet most of the answers that may come in the minds of your customers, leaving an impression that makes them reassured that their message has been received and handled. And because Facebook and Messenger have become the global marketing managers in the world of social media, the use of chat bots has spread widely in the recent period, to become one of the basic tools for all companies, large and small, as a basic tool in communicating with customers, and thus useful in controlling the company’s budget as it reduces technical support costs and increases On the other hand, the company's sales have a large positive part, targeting direct customers. In this article, we learn about the chatbot.

First, what is a chatbot?

A chatbot, or chatbot, is automated software to respond to and interact with users, whether through pre-made ready responses, or interactive responses based on artificial intelligence and language analysis. The chatbot can be integrated with different communication channels, including communication applications such as Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp, or even the website or mobile application.

The chatbot is responsible for answering customer questions and directing them to the support team when needed, as well as asking questions and collecting data easily and in real time. With the development of the chatbot industry, you can build a chatbot in a matter of minutes. You can start by creating a free chatbot using the Widebot platform.

Second: Why should your company use chatbots?

Chatbots offer a lot of advantages, and not using them is a waste of opportunity. The following points explain the importance of using a chatbot and the features it offers for your business.

- Improve customer experience and service satisfaction

Although some people think that all customers prefer to communicate with a real person, this is not accurate information, as statistics show that many customers want to solve their problems as quickly as possible on their own, without having to communicate directly with the technical support team or customer service .

In addition to faster customer responses, chatbots are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and operate efficiently.

Chatbots allow responding to customers using a variety of methods and media, including video, images, and even signup forms and links to complete a purchase. Chatbots don't completely eliminate human communication, but they do allow customer service teams to focus on the most important issues and tasks; Chat bots can divert conversations to a customer service team that makes it easier when needed.

Chatbot saves a lot of money

In addition to improving customer experience, chatbots will help you save money for managing and operating Pages or customer service representatives through chat. Most chatbots come at a very low price compared to what you spend on other customer service solutions.

Chatbots allow you to learn more about your customers and gain powerful data

As customer service shifts from real people to chatbots, that means you'll have access to a lot of data that wasn't available before. Chatbots allow you to monitor your customers' behavior to understand them better than ever, because you'll know what their top issues are, what they think about different services and products, and other data is automatically generated based on how customers interact with the chatbot.

This information and data can help you improve and better prioritize your products and services because you don't know what users care about, what annoys them, what makes them happy, and it's hard to know if a customer service representative is answering them.

Chatbots let you retarget customers for free

One of the most important things about using a chatbot is the ability to automatically retarget people who connect to your page or website. This means that you can send your new posts or offers to them, or send them to specific users at specific times for more sales.

This saves you a lot of costs that you may have to spend on ads to retarget your Page's audience, as chatbots allow these messages to be sent for free. If you prefer to have a customer number or email address, chatbots can help you do it seamlessly without disturbing your customers.

Chatbots help reduce missed opportunities and open new markets

One of the most important features of a chatbot is that it reduces the chance of waste. This comes in the form of responding to all customers, regardless of their number, and not delaying the response to anyone or forgetting his message, which means ensuring that no customer who communicates with you is lost.

Chatbots also help open up new markets without having to worry about increasing the number of messages you receive or arriving in different languages. You can use chatbots that support different languages ​​to switch back and forth between local customers who communicate in Arabic and customers who speak foreign languages ​​around the world, so that when the user chooses a language start with chatbots.

Third: What are the uses of chatbots:

1- What can a messenger chatbot be used for:-

2- Managing Facebook pages and WhatsApp in an easy and simple way.

3- Respond to customers quickly, whether in messages or comments as well.

4- Keeping the conversation data for later use.

5- Chatbots can be used in companies because of the possibility of easy handling and the many services and tools it provides.

6- Using the chat bot to collect requests (orders), process returns and exchange requests, and sort them well to facilitate accurate data collection.

7- Sorting and classifying the data and facilitating the search process in the data that the chatbot collected from the subscribers.

Fourth: How does a chatbot work?

In fact, the mechanism of the automated response system, i.e. the chat bot on Facebook and Instagram page messages, can be explained in three stages. They are as follows:

1- Reception: where the chatbot receives the customer’s message, the content of which is mostly an inquiry about a product or a service request, in the form of entered data.

2- Analysis: Then he begins to carefully analyze these data until he chooses an appropriate answer. Among several answers that were previously programmed by the programmer.

3- Then the response: After that, the automated response system gives a logical answer to the customer's question or request.

This means that the chat bot is a tool programmed for a direct automated response. The source of her answers is the set of commands entered to her in the form of possible alternatives that constitute professional response choices.

To clarify: it is similar to the programmer addressing the tool: “If so-and-so asks about this, give him an answer with such, and if he tells you so, respond with such.”

So, as soon as the customer enters the chat, message the page and write an inquiry. The chatbot starts by converting this query into data.

Thus, you have understood part of the importance of the automatic reply chatbot and its importance and successes in helping company owners and marketers, but we did not list the next part of it, and this will be in the next article of the types of chatbots used and how a chatbot works for us in a free way..

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