digital technology

Over the past few years, recent technological developments in the world have revolutionized communication and information technology. This leads to a qualitative change in many aspects of life and at a high rate. It paved the way for the transition from an industrial society to an information society, a revolution that has left its mark on the economic, social and cultural aspects of contemporary society in unprecedented ways.

The basis of the revolution in communications and information technology is the convergence and interdependence that occurs between hardware, computers and software. and communication networks. During the mid-20th century and the beginning of the third millennium, technology advanced through a series of paradigm shifts. Towards the smallest, fastest, most efficient and easiest to use. Living in the world today is a new stage. Among them, the information and communication network is one manifestation of this revolution. They play a vital role in shaping major human activities in all aspects of life. Note that with it the barriers of time and space are removed.

Of course, as digital technology has changed the direction of the world, it has also changed the way it is communicated, and as a result, media has been updated to many digital formats. Of course, this does not detract from the importance of traditional methods, but rather complements them in a modern way.
What is digital communication technology?

It is the technology through which all kinds of information, whether in the form of data or electronic signals, is transmitted between the continents of the world, the latter of which is not affected by the length of the distance and its ability to resist interference and wavelength interference. from various sources, and also guarantees the security and confidentiality of that information. These tags are electronic data in the form of text, graphics, images, video clips and audio, which you undertake to combine and transfer from one device to another. All characteristics of digital electronic signals can be converted from analog to digital, and vice versa.

Advantages of digital technology

Digital technologies have several essential characteristics, including:

It helps to send and receive an unlimited amount of data in a very short time

It greatly accelerates the development of digital networks, making them more intelligent and useful

Continuous improvement of digital technology capabilities, further growth and development

Digital services are easier to use, they are closer to the user, they are constantly evolving, they are not expensive, and if we compare what they offer with the price, we see that the price is very simple

Digital information is always under the direct control of software, ensuring its quality and efficiency

Digital communications are secure and enjoy a high degree of confidentiality in the process of transmitting and exchanging information, which makes them widely used in many sensitive areas, such as military, security and commercial use, or when confidentiality is required in banks, government departments, etc.

But this is not the only area where technology benefits from, it has many other benefits:

1-The field of scientific research

We can think of technology as an outgrowth of scientific research, and not the other way around. Constant research and critical and analytical thinking are responsible for all current inventions and discoveries. Digital technology is an important development that stems from the development of the human mind and its constant desire to develop his life to make it easier and more comfortable. The scientific community has benefited greatly because various sources of information, whether they are books, references or other information, have been digitized to facilitate access and use by researchers. The information is very handy, and there is no need to seek expert help for this.

This technology has also made scientific research cheaper than before, so now the researcher does not have to buy a lot of books and references, and he does not have to go to the library to go to the library for effort and time, he also has a lot of options that can be searched until he gets exactly what he needs mechanism.

The digital connection also gives the researcher a lot of privacy, allowing him to focus his research in a specific place and avoiding any distraction or confusion.

2-Communication technology:

enhances the way information is exchanged, helping people communicate more comfortably, in less time, and with greater accuracy; With the development of communication technology using various devices, such as phones, radio, television and the Internet, companies are also using communication technology in order to facilitate the flow of knowledge and information in the workplace. Promote innovative services or products in the decision-making process that meet consumers' needs and desires.
3-Building technology:

Building technology is concerned with the equipment and methods used in the construction of buildings and infrastructure. These technologies include heavy equipment such as engineering structures, including bridges and tractors used to prepare land for construction, and computer software used to design and create digital copies of buildings or structures; These construction tools help improve operational efficiency and ensure that workers are on budget and on time with fewer problems and accidents.

4-Production technology:

Production technology is the understanding of the specifications and characteristics of a service or product to be manufactured according to market needs, and the identification of technology used by the manufacturer of the service or product, its operation, standards, material specifications, procedures, and method. So it helps in defining the functional characteristics, characteristics and general structure of the product to ensure that it meets the requirements and needs of the market.

5-Business technology:

the use of information for commercial purposes; such as achieving organizational and economic goals; Technology helps companies operate correctly and systematically and enhances functions and processes, and this area of ​​technology includes a mixture of hardware and software. Information technology: This category includes technology and is a set of hardware and software used to process, transmit and store information. technology introduction

Information provides people with accurate and up-to-date information in a short period of time, helps in the decision-making process and thus provides excellent customer service. Information technology also includes a management information system for planning, information technology, management, and development tools to help employees improve performance.

6-Space technology:

Space technology includes space stations, satellites, spacecraft, equipment and infrastructure, and many daily services including satellite channels, GPS systems, remote sensing and weather forecasting depend mainly on space technology, as well as other sciences such as Earth sciences and sciences. . Astronomy for this technology.

7-Artificial intelligence:

is the intelligence displayed by machines. Any machine that takes measures to increase its chances of successfully achieving its goals can be called a part of artificial intelligence, and when machines have enough information, they can interact and behave like humans.


Robotics is defined as a field related to artificial intelligence, the use of machines to design robots to perform tasks performed by humans, and the use of computer systems to process and control information. These robots can replicate the actions of humans and can serve as bait to replace them. It is widely used in many industries, such as automobile manufacturers who perform repetitive tasks, and industries that need to operate in environments and situations that are hazardous to humans. Simple decisions like temperature sensing, touch, vision and some advanced robotics can also be made. Educational technology: ways have been devised to integrate the use of information technology into the daily learning process for effective learning, in the form of integration and utilization.

9-access to learning resources;

The internet is full of educational materials such as e-books, revision guides and past test papers that learners can access and use as a reference to benefit from improving their knowledge base. continuous learning; In the modern world, there is no need to come to class to learn; When I make this possible, students can use information technology to continue their studies wherever they are. Teachers can submit, complete, and submit assignments to students even without actually entering the classroom. Learning should never stop. Technology enables students to continue learning at home, which enhances efficiency. There is a lot to be done in the field of education. knowledge exchange; This is done through online forums where there is an opportunity to share knowledge and participate in knowledge discussions and learning, allowing them to meet and share experiences with people from all over the world regardless of geographic distance, thus creating an enjoyable cultural diversity, a more tolerant and a united world. the use of multimedia as teaching aids; Information technology facilitates education through audio and visual materials, allowing for a better understanding of the material being taught.

10-online education;

To accommodate the changing population and their unique needs, online courses allow most workers and youth to return to class and earn additional certifications, allowing them to study abroad without traveling and away from home at university. Records are kept. This makes it possible to integrate information technology into educational records that are kept in a safe and reliable manner, which is also reflected in the ease of information retrieval, and provides a more regular and secure method, unlike in the past manually keeping records, which resulted in many files being lost.

11-Medical technology:

Technology has given a strong impetus in the health sector, and has made great strides in the health care sector in the medical and surrounding industries, and now many major universities are also offering professional degrees in health care information technology, the following reason is the use of these tools is due to some examples of developments Health care led to useful electronic health records that provide a safer and more reliable description and provide a clear and complete record of a patient's medical history. Maintain patient confidentiality by developing and maintaining systems for obtaining, storing, and organizing medical patient data.

12-Saving Money :

It is estimated that about 50% of healthcare money is wasted due to operational inefficiencies, and research now shows that the financial benefits of implementing IT in healthcare in hospitals are significant; Provides clinicians and healthcare administrators instant access to their patients' medical information. Reducing the incidence of allegations of medical malpractice. Get lab results faster than traditional methods. The full review of patient records was completed in about 1.4 hours, compared to about 3.9 hours with the paper-based review system.
Therefore, if we look at the field of digital technology, it was a means to achieve a primary goal, which is to help human beings towards evolution.

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